Deciding the Genre
For our short film, we chose the thriller genre. This genre was mutually decided upon by our group. It fits what we have in mind for the film. The thriller genre is really a broad spectrum. There can be high stakes that make the film filled with action, or it can be more of an emotional thriller. This is perfect, as we are not constricted to adhering to requirements of a genre. We chose thriller over the other two choices, drama and horror, because the others had more cons. While a drama genre is a decent choice for our vision, it does not fit exactly. We want more suspense and buildup than a drama can provide. Horror was also an option that was discussed. We discarded it as a possible choice after we realized that certain challenging aspects of horror, such as gore and intricate costumes, were not things we were equipped to include in our film. Fortunately, our pitch is very open and can be interpreted in many ways. This doesn't back us into a corner with genre...