Choosing the music
After spending several hours researching music that would work well with our film, my group and I finally made a choice. I personally began by looking up royalty free short film music. After searching and listening for a while, nothing immediately stood out to me. I was able to select a few songs that I liked and kept in the back of my head as I worked. Songs like "Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus" were among them. The song's instrumental majority, slow speed tempo, and peaceful atmosphere appealed to me. It was eerie yet different. It seemed like a fantastic subject for the film to me. Additionally, I thought the Backwash song "Black Magic" had a great opening that was nearly the ideal fit for the movie because it was slow pace and eerie. However, I didn't enjoy the song's remaining portions. I would just need to remove the song's opening section in order to use it in the movie. Then I would have to continue and play it repeatedly for the length o...