Choosing My Group

 I'm Addison Walker, and today we chose our groups for the commercial project. I was so excited to have friends in my media studies class! Most of my classes I did not have any friends, so it wasn't as fun. Since I know people in the class, I already knew who the people in my group would be. Ben Polsky, Siena Zimmerman, and Jade Williams all sit at my table, and we decided to be a group together. It was easy to pick a group, because we all collectively wanted to work together.

We all were excited to do this project together, and all had plenty of ideas of what to do. We were debating on doing Trident gum, Jansport backpacks, or converse. We most likely will do Jansport. Jade and I both have Jansport backpacks so it would be pretty easy to do. It will also be easier to do a backpack brand at school because it will fit with the setting. We also were trying to decide where to film it, but we haven't come up with anything yet.

It's much easier to work in a group than alone, even though I enjoy to work independently, too. When I was in middle school, I loved making skits, movies, and music videos. It was so fun to brain-strorm the ideas and film it. It was especially fun to edit it afterwards. Most of the time in projects like these, I tend to get too enthusiastic and try too hard on doing the project. I would usually get stuck doing all the work because I'm sort of a perfectionist. I have definitely grown since then and I'm a pretty good group partner now. I'm so excited to do this commercial project with my group!


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