Jade's Amazing Editing

 It's time to edit now that we've finished filming. All of the clips were cut by Jade. She uploaded these after cropping them. She decided to make a movie with iMovie. She also added some music to the mix. We came to the conclusion that there was no need for discourse. We didn't think we'd be able to communicate our tale without it. I was able to assist Jade in some way. When it comes to the commercial's colors and saturation, I also learned a new iMovie skill. It appeared simple at first. However, as time passed, it became more difficult. I initially mistook it for a simple editing tool. It was difficult to keep up with Jade's wizardry in our commercial. I believe that in the future, if I need to edit something, I will use iMovie.In the future, we will need to add more components. So far, I'm liking it. It's in desperate need of a boost. However, there are occasions when keeping things simple is preferable. It'll be a critical decision that, in my opinion, will make or break the commercial.


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