Preparing to Film
I couldn't wait to start filming today and see my group's and my ideas come to reality. After school that day, Violet, Dara, and Mila were supposed to come to my house. I had stayed at home that day, so I didn't need a ride to my house. Exactly this is what my group and I did. However, Violet, Dara, and Mila realized we needed to run to a store fast to pick up some missing props before heading straight to Addison's house after school. Target was near to the school and had everything we needed, so my group partners decided to head there. While they went on a mission to get the props, I decided to clean up my house a bit. I first started by moving all the things in my house that would stand out in the film. I mopped and swept the floors, cleaned my counters, and made everything look presentable. My house had a bunch of candles, so I lit them to give an eerie vibe in the film. The dim lighting, candles and antique pieces in my home gave it that perfect creepy aesthetic we were looking for in the film. After that, I moved my dog outside so he wouldn't photo-bomb the videos we filmed. The next thing I needed to do was get the costumes and makeup ready. I picked very doll-like clothes with pastels like light pink and light blue. I then took out all the girly pretty make-up I had and laid it out on my bed. When my partners got here, we would quickly change and do our make-up in my room. I had to keep in mind that we had a limited amount of time to film. So, I tried to prepare everything thoroughly so we could quickly start to film. I did my make-up and put on my costume before they got there, too. After 30 minutes of preparing, my partners finally arrived to my house. Gladly, they brought the most perfect props for our film.
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